When Adversity appears Opportunity knocks – that’s life.
The leisure industry amongst others has taken a real hammering since the pandemic, for obvious reasons. However, lately the take up of Staycation has increased rapidly with holiday makers opting to travel local within 1-2 hours close to home.
Landowners are looking desperately to diversify creating much needed income
Modular construction has a huge role to play based on speed and highest quality products using different technologies from Elements to 3D Volumetric. From wooden to light gauge steel frame the Baltic States alone have been making modules for generations, built to handle extreme weather conditions these luxury pods provide a robust solution for an expanding requirement worldwide. Around the mid-1990’s modern day OSM accelerated to a more lean streamlined solution using state of the art technology. Combined with highly experienced architects, engineers, project leaders, factories & local delivery partners to hoist in to place on site the cost for high quality ‘leisure modules’ from the Baltic States are around 700-1200 euros per square metre plus groundworks, delivery & installation for a high quality module.
(Photo below around 35m2 1000 euros per square metre) – of course sizes & quality of build differ widely depending on specification – luxury ‘turnkey’ Norwegian style homes will cost around 2,500 euros per square metre (photo at very bottom). The savings made on ‘prelims’ by using MMC provide ‘points of difference’ to the way we build.
The UK uptake in using Modern Methods of Construction for new builds is incredibly low at just 8% albeit very slowly increasing 2021 onwards
Our European engineers experience is worldwide including impressive turnkey residential and commercial projects in Scandinavia (perhaps considered ‘The Kings of Modular’) both leisure and large residential city developments utilising modern methods of construction. Considering the critical state of housing in the UK alone (300,000 homes needed per annum) there is a huge need for modern methods in what is a risk adverse industry unfortunately decades behind. We are failing to achieve such targets over a 10 year period moving forwards – why? It is all very doable only if people accept change.
Our friend Mark Farmer’s 2016 report Modernise or Die identifies the significant problems in the United Kingdom with our construction industry. Inbox me for our MMC Solution paper.
Being based in the heart of ‘the modular world’ here in Lithuania gives you a distinct advantage with access to over 50 ‘proven’ Off-Site Manufacturers Europe & Asia wide; Architects, Engineers, Project Leaders & Local Delivery Partners are a vital component to achieving success. We have a big presence in the UK also so happy to meet or Zoom call etc whichever your choice considering Covid times.
Keep safe & healthy in these distinct times of adversity!
The Leisure industry could easily lead the way in MMC