With very little production capacity in the UK collaboration with overseas OSM’s is helping towards solving our dreaded housing crisis. But only a turnkey solution under one entity taking risk & ensuring total protection is being demanded by clients including developers, investors & some contractors. It seems still far too often never the twain shall meet between highly experienced construction professionals & Off-Site Manufacturers – this has to change, our current antiquated construction industry needs to move to the 21st Century collaborating with overseas OSM’s where practicably possible. Investors are most definitely losing patience wanting faster & higher quality build which is creating positive friction. And whilst the country isn’t really ready for Volumetric let’s face it, Hybrid solutions are being utilised rapidly merging traditional build with various pods & elements partly produced offsite & some assembled on site where possible aiming to avoid standardisation. OSM’s fast losing patience with UK tyre kickers/time-wasters who don’t understand the process is no cheaper but the benefits are developments can be built far quicker so therefore better value and increased IRR, less problems on site, higher quality and not affected by adverse weather conditions.
It’s not rocket science but the biggest problem we endure is the serious lack of knowledge in the main, the fact that the UK doesn’t have appropriate experience still after much bravado in the press where factories are promised but still not yet in production and constrained by lack of scaleability and skill-set. Aside of 20 factories in the UK whose net profit ranges from a huge loss of 2400% to a positive of a mere 13% – collaboration makes so much sense, going it alone is a high risk strategy and cash flow is king not unless our government steps in to support those suffering factories who are likely to go out of business. Winding up orders being considered to many that are simply not paying the bills to suppliers we have experienced of late, debts going back 18 months or more. Of 35 factories we have visited across 6 countries we have 5 preferred key suppliers, all heavily backed financially, oodles of capacity, opportunity to add on more factory space, decades of sheer experience and willing to joint venture with the UK, some taking risk of participating financially which makes sense to developers.
Call me for a turnkey low risk solution, capable of delivery.